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How To Handle Difficult People
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Price: $89.95
Availability: Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery
Prod. Code: NSG130CD

There's at least one in every job or business — that person whose sole purpose seems to be to make your life miserable. You don't have to fall victim to these people. Learn to deal effectively with difficult people and tough situations through the powerful, effective principles taught in this series

Here’s what you’ll learn:

*    Why people are so difficult
*    What motivates people who are difficult
*    How to get rid of the problem, not the person
*    How to avoid the stress of personality conflicts
*    Controlling yourself: how to be sure you're not part of the problem
*    Belief filters: what they are and how to adjust yours
*    To identify different types of difficult behavior and what lies behind each
*    A powerful formula for changing your attitude
*    The secret to bringing out the best in all types of people
*    Understanding the role that self-esteem plays in problem behavior
*    How to use the 7 communication keys to ease tension and smooth out problems
*    The secret to keeping cool when you are under attack
*    How to overcome your fear of confrontation so you can defend yourself.